2024-2025 Student Application

* Required Fields  

Student Information







 I do not have a Cell Phone -
Enter your home number here





Demographic Information



* Ethnicity

Black or African American Hispanic
Caucasian Middle Eastern
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian (including Indian subcontinent and Philippines origin)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other:

* Do you come from a low income family?

* Do you participate in the reduced/free lunch program?

*Are you a an intra/inter district transfer student? If so, from where?

*Are you an International or Exchange Student


Not including Team Spyder or Mentoring I have also participated in...
(Check all that apply)

* Are you mentoring or have mentored a team?


I am applying for a position in...
(Please check all that apply)

Business Department Robot Team Public Relations/Outreach

* Application for team jobs is not a garuntee of job availability *

Parent Information




After clicking submit, you and your parents will both receive an email that MUST responded to in order to complete the application process.

Please click submit only once